Single Subject Science Credential

Obtaining a single subject credential has become my project. Upon gaining my degree in Geology from CSULB I felt too old to literally jump into trenches and do more field work and as I was once told "when you can't do, you teach", but funny enough I have a "day job" as a contractor doing parking lot maintenance, but during some down time is when I started guest teaching. After the very first day I realized I had something to give, and more importantly I felt that I made a connection with students some that seemed to be forgotten. The students I teach give me purpose. I believe we can't forget our youth as they are our future. They will be our doctors, leaders, educators and many other important roles in our society. Neglecting our youth is like neglecting a garden and when the harvest comes we will have nothing to show for it. I do believe it is a service not only to the student but to us and society to educate our youth and science is what I know and stirs my curiosity so hopefully I can stir that of my students.

The two pictures on the left are of my geology team and some of the work we did identifying structures at different locations. Pictured right is my little league team that took the district championship. Teamwork is an important concept to me and being able to collaborate with others is a quality I try to instill to everyone around me. One of the first things I tell my baseball teams is, "it takes everyone to make our boat go forward, it only takes one to make our boat sink". I try to teach these young people how important they are to the team.

I am reserving the slots above to record the milestones that I will achieve with my cohort/team in the teaching credential program at CSULB.